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Desire To Cook Better Meals? Use These Tips

Judge their color, not the time in the oven to determine if they are done. They will be golden brown when cooked. When you see the golden color it indicates caramelization, which lends a crisp, sweet flavor to the pie crust.

To reduce fat and calories in mashed potatoes without sacrificing texture or taste, replace some of your potatoes with an equal amount of cauliflower. You will not even taste the cauliflower in with the potatoes, because it is so bland. Cauliflower has the same texture and color as mashed potatoes, so the dish will be transformed into one that has more vegetables and fewer calories.

Get only the freshest garlic from the grocery store when you’re preparing a recipe that calls for it. A good rule of thumb is that fresh garlic will have a sweet taste to it. You can identify fresh garlic by its lack of bruising and firm skin.

Texture and taste don’t have to suffer when you are trying to lighten up your mashed potatoes. Cauliflower makes for a great substitute to help drop the fat and calorie content. Cauliflower neutral taste means that it blends easily with the flavor of the potatoes, butter and milk. At the same time, cauliflowers mash into the same color and texture as potatoes, giving you a fail-proof way to add vegetables and subtract calories from a classic mashed potato dish.

Use airtight containers for flour, sugar and baking mixes in the kitchen. Airtight containers allow your food to remain safe from the elements and also prolongs their freshness. These containers are easily purchased online or at your local department or even grocery stores. Wherever you get them from, the freshness of any food you intend to store in them is well worth the investment.

While garlic imparts a delicious flavor to your cooking, it may also leave a residual odor on your hands. Try rubbing your hands against stainless steel to get the odor of garlic and other foods off your hands. This will clean your hands of the smell that can get onto to the food that you have to handle next.

Have you ever experienced difficulty judging the time your meat should be grilled? It’s always good to use a high-quality meat thermometer to ensure you correctly cook the inside. Another tip is to close the lid on your grill if the meat you’re cooking is thicker than an inch and a half.

If it can be hectic getting dinner ready in time, try preparing ingredients the night before. Before going to bed, cut up the onions and veggies or make your marinating sauce. Doing so will decrease your stress levels and enable you to look forward to the actual cooking.

To quickly cut herbs, bind herbs together and snip with scissors. This will prevent them from clumping together and they will be drier than when you chop them.

Be creative with your approach to cooking. You need not follow a recipe exactly. With a little resourcefulness in adding extra ingredients, reducing or altering the amount of spices, or substituting one type of meat or vegetable for another, you can often create a meal that tastes far superior to the original. Click here

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